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Ptolemy II Philadelphus (308–246 bc). Second king of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. Son and successor of Ptolemy I Soter; allegedly initiated the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek (the Septuagint).

Ptolemy II was the son of his father’s third wife, Berenice. He served as co-regent with his father from 285–282 bc. He continued his reign until his death in 246 bc. Ptolemy II married his half-sister Arsinoe I, daughter of Alexander’s general Lysimachus. He later divorced her and married his full sister, Arsinoe II, widow of Lysimachus (thus his title “Philadelphus,” which means “brother/sister-loving”).

During his reign, he engaged in two wars—the first two in a series of six—with Seleucid kings for control of Syria-Palestine. In the First Syrian War (274–271 bc), Ptolemy II defeated Antiochus I and retained control of the territory Ptolemy I had acquired. He also won the Second Syrian War (260–255 bc) against Antiochus II, though he did lose some territory in Asia Minor. He made peace with Antiochus II by offering him his daughter, Berenice, as a wife. Later in his reign he interfered in a war between the Macedonians, Athenians, and Spartans (the Chremonidean War) and suffered defeat.

Ptolemy II actively Hellenized Egypt by establishing Greek settlements, proclaiming himself and his co-regent (Arsinoe II) gods, and generously supporting the arts and sciences. During his reign, Alexandria became the cultural capital of the Greek world. He also introduced many Greek ideas and institutions to the Jews of Palestine and, according to legend, initiated work on the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible).

Wendy Widder


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