Faithlife Study Bible
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24:1–31 The Chronicler continues describing David’s preparations for temple worship (see note on 1 Chron 23:1–26:32). Here, David organizes the priests, who were responsible for religious duties associated with the temple (Exod 28:1–43 and note). He organizes them into 24 divisions.

24:2 Nadab and Abihu Sons of Aaron who were were killed for offering unauthorized fire. Aaron’s other sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, became the priests instead. See Lev 10:1 and note.

24:5 They divided them by lot Casting lots was a common way of determining God’s will. Here, it would ensure that David did not give any families preferential treatment. See note on Neh 11:1.

Lots EDB

Old Testament Theology and Divination

24:6 Zadok the priest, Ahimelech the son of Abiathar This verse and 1 Chr 18:16 appear to follow 2 Sam 8:17 in identifying David’s co-high priests as Zadok and Ahimelech. However, this detail conflicts with references throughout 1–2 Samuel and 1–2 Kings that identify David’s priests as Zadok and Abiathar. See note on 2 Sam 8:17.

24:10 the eighth to Abijah Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, came from this division (Luke 1:5 and note).

24:19 by the hand of Aaron their father The Chronicler indicates that, although David is organizing the priests, he is not determining their duties, which were prescribed by God’s commands to Aaron (e.g., Exod 29–30; Lev 1–7).


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