Faithlife Study Bible
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23:1–26:32 The Chronicler describes David’s preparations in great detail. Not only does he provide the materials for constructing the temple (22:2–5), but he also prepares the personnel to minister in the temple. He organizes the Levites (vv. 1–32), the priests (24:1–30), the musicians (25:1–31), the gatekeepers (26:1–19), and the treasurers and other officials (26:20–32). By highlighting David’s planning, the Chronicler shows the importance of the temple, not just as a building, but as a place to worship Yahweh.

23:1 he made Solomon his son king See 29:22 and note.

23:2 all the commanders of Israel The Chronicler’s account emphasizes the unity of Israel (see note on 15:3).

23:3 thirty years old The law stipulated 30 as the age for service (Num 4:3, 23, 30).

23:4 Of these, David said, “Twenty-four thousand David divides the 38,000 Levites into four groups, with the largest group devoted to constructing the temple.

23:5 four thousand gatekeepers See 1 Chron 26:1–19 and note.

four thousand offering praise See 25:1–31 and note.

23:6 the sons of Levi The major Levitical clans are descended from three brothers: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari (see note on Num 26:57).

23:7 the Gershonites See Num 3:18–21 and note.

23:12 The sons of Kohath See Num 3:27–32 and note.

23:21 The sons of Merari See Num 3:33–39 and note.

23:24 twenty years old Earlier, David had numbered the Levites 30 years and older (1 Chron 23:3). The ot gives different ages for Levitical service; see Num 8:24 and note.

23:26 to carry the tabernacle The Levites were responsible for transporting the structural components and furnishings of the tabernacle, including the ark of the covenant (Num 4).

23:28 the cleansing of all the sanctified objects Indicates a ritual purifying (Lev 14:23; Nah 12:45).

23:29 the rows of bread See Exod 25:30 and note.

the grain offering See Lev 2:1 and note.

23:30 thanking and praising Probably associated with the daily sacrifices (Exod 29:35–42).

According to the Law, certain sacrifices were to be carried out each day. The Levites were to sacrifice a bull as a sin offering and to purify the altar (Exod 29:36). Additionally, they were to sacrifice a lamb every morning and evening (Exod 29:38–39). Each of these lambs was to be accompanied with a grain offering of flour and oil and a drink offering of wine (Exod 29:40–42).

Sacrifice ISBE

23:31 Sabbaths, on new moon festivals See note on Isa 1:13, and note on Isa 1:14.

Israelite Festivals Table

23:32 they shall keep the responsibility of See Num 3:7 and note.


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