Faithlife Study Bible
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25:1–31 David now organizes the temple musicians into 24 divisions, just as he did the priests (1 Chr 24). While David organized the Levites and priests so they could fulfill their duties as spelled out in the law (23:28–31; 24:19), there were no instructions in the law regarding musicians. According to 2 Chr 29:25, God commanded David about the musicians through the prophets Gad and Nathan.

25:1 with stringed instruments, with harps, and with cymbals See Psa 33:2 and note.

Asaph Leading musician for the ark’s procession into Jerusalem (1 Chr 16:5). See note on Psa 73:title.

of Heman Grandson of the prophet Samuel (1 Chr 6:33).

of Jeduthun Associated with three of psalms (Pss 39:title; 62:title; 77:title).

25:3 thanksgiving and praise to Yahweh Thanksgiving and praise were closely related as thanksgiving involved praising God for His provision or protection (see Psa 30 and note).

25:5 the seer of the king The Hebrew word used here, chozeh, is essentially equivalent to the title of prophet (2 Sam 24:11).

fourteen sons and three daughters An ideal family (see note on Job 1:2).

25:7 were two hundred and eighty-eight Divided into 24 groups of 12 (1 Chr 25:9–31).

25:8 they cast lots See note on 24:5.


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