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Julius Caesar (100–44 bc). Roman general, politician, and author. Caesar’s career helped change Rome’s government from republic to empire in the first century before Christ. Julius Caesar’s great-nephew, Augustus, was considered to be the first emperor of Rome and ruled at the time of Jesus’ birth.

Gaius Julius Caesar came from an old, noble Roman family. (“Julius” is his family name; “Caesar” identifies the branch of the ancient family he belonged to.) Prior to Gaius, Caesar’s family had only minor involvement in the politics of the republic of Rome. However, in his early 30s, Caesar began to climb Rome’s political latter. He presented himself as a populist and promised to better the lives of Roman citizens. The people elected him to various magistracies. He also served as the governor of Spain.

In 60 bc, Caesar and two other men, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey) and Marcus Licinius Crassus, formed the “First Triumvirate.” This was an informal agreement in which these three wealthy and politically connected men agreed to control the various institutions of the Roman government. Each member brought different qualities: Pompey, a successful military commander, brought popularity and influence, Crassus, the richest man in Rome, provided money, and Caesar had ambition and political skill.

Caesar became governor of Cisalpine Gaul, the territory south of the Alps, in 58 bc, and he spent the next nine years conquering the Gallic tribes north of the Alps and incorporating them into the Roman system. Caesar even campaigned briefly on the island of Britain in 55 and 54 bc. He wrote an account of his campaigns, Gallic Wars (or Bellum gallicum). His military successes increased his personal wealth and his political influence. His alliance with Pompey and Crassus, however, dissolved.

In 53 bc, Crassus died fighting Parthians in the east, and Pompey began plotting with Caesar’s enemies in the city of Rome. Caesar wanted to run for consul (chief magistrate of Rome) in absentia for the year 49, but Pompey and Caesar’s enemies required that he disband his army and return to Rome first. Instead of returning to Rome as a private citizen, where he knew his enemies would try him for corruption, Caesar crossed into Italy with his army in 49 bc. Caesar fought civil wars against Pompey and Pompey’s sons for almost five years, but by the close of 45 bc, Caesar had defeated all opposition and had no political or military rivals.

In February of 44 bc, the Roman people voted Caesar into the office of dictator for life, but his rule would be short-lived. A group of senators and other notable men of Rome conspired against Caesar and assassinated him on 15th of March, 44 bc. Octavian, Caesar’s great-nephew and heir, along with other men who wished to avenge Caesar’s memory, began a civil war against the assassins. After more than a decade of fighting, Octavian would find himself in a position similar to that of Caesar; he had no political or military rivals and was the undisputed leader of the Roman people. Octavian became Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, about 30 years before the birth of the Christ.


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