Faithlife Study Bible
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5:1 was finished Solomon completed the temple approximately 960 bc. See 1 Kgs 7:51 and note.



Solomon becomes king

971 bc

Solomon begins construction on the temple

967 bc

Solomon finishes the temple

960 bc

the holy objects of David his father Refers to the spoils of war collected by David (1 Chr 18:7–11).

into the storehouses of the house of God See 1 Chr 26:22–28; note on 26:26.

5:2–14 After completing the temple, Solomon’s first task is to bring the ark to the most holy place (holy of holies). While 2 Chronicles provides fewer details than 1 Kings about the temple’s construction and furnishings, it includes more information about moving the ark (compare 1 Kgs 8:1–11). This reflects the Chronicler’s emphasis on the temple as God’s dwelling place and the center of Israel’s worship.

5:2 Solomon assembled Just as his father, David, did, Solomon gathers the leaders of Israel to move the ark, this time to its permanent residence (compare 1 Chr 13; 15).

the ark of the covenant of A wooden box or chest that contained the tablets of the law and symbolized Yahweh’s presence among the Israelites. See note on Exod 25:10.

5:3 the feast that is in the seventh month Refers to the Feast of Booths (Lev 23:33–44).

The Feast of Booths, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, began on the 15th day of the seventh month (in late September or October). It was a seven-day celebration of the autumn harvest. The Israelites lived in temporary shelters (booths) during the feast to remind themselves of the wilderness wanderings (Lev 23:42). All males were required to assemble in the presence of God (Deut 16:16).

Israelite Festivals Table

5:4 and the Levites took up the ark Solomon ensures that the ark is carried in the proper way (see note on 1 Chr 15:2).

5:6 sacrificing sheep and cattle Just as it was with David, the processional of the ark was accompanied by sacrifices of worship (see 1 Chr 15:26).

5:7 the inner sanctuary of See 1 Kgs 6:5 and note.

the most holy place Compare Lev 16.

underneath the wings of the cherubim These cherubim are described in 2 Chr 3:10–13.

5:9 the ends of the poles See 1 Kgs 8:8 and note.

5:10 the two stone tablets Refers to the tablets on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed (Exod 34:1–5; Deut 10:1–5). Later tradition indicates that the ark also contained Aaron’s staff and a jar of manna (compare Heb 9:4).

5:11 sanctified themselves See note on Exod 29:1.

without keeping their divisions The Chronicler emphasizes the priests’ commitment to unity and worship.

5:12 all the Levitical singers See 1 Chr 25:1–31 and note.

Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun These same men led the worship when David moved the ark to Jerusalem (1 Chr 16:37, 42). David later appointed them as the temple musicians (1 Chr 25:1).

5:13 for he is good, because his loyal love is everlasting This refrain is part of the thanksgiving psalm sung when David brought the ark to Jerusalem (1 Chr 16:8–36 and note). The quotation here most likely reflects Psa 106:1, but the phrase is common throughout Psalms (e.g., Pss 107:1; 118:1; 136:1). See note on 2 Chron 1:8.

Chesed Word Study

was filled with a cloud Just as He does in the wilderness, God appears in the temple as a cloud. See Exod 19:9 and note.

Theophany in the Old Testament

5:14 were not able to stand to minister See 1 Kgs 8:11 and note.


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