Faithlife Study Bible
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23:1–21 The Chronicler largely follows 2 Kings for this account of Joash’s enthronement and Athaliah’s execution, with some additions (compare 2 Kgs 11:4–20). He highlights the role of the priests and Levites, as well as other temple officials (2 Chron 23:2, 4, 6, 8). He also gives more details of Jehoiada’s reforms, emphasizing his restoration of proper worship, which was in line with the law of Moses as well as the order of David (v. 18 and note).

23:1 Jehoiada The priest who hid Joash in the temple (22:11–12).

23:2 and gathered the Levites The Chronicler emphasizes the role that the Levites and other temple officials played in Joash’s enthronement. He also shows that representatives came from all the cities of Judah. By including these details, the Chronicler highlights his concern for proper temple worship as well as the unity of the people.

23:3 concerning the sons of David Jehoiada reveals to the assembly that Joash had survived Athaliah’s massacre six years year (22:10–12). In his speech, he emphasizes God’s promise to establish David’s kingdom forever (1 Chr 17:1–15). By installing Joash as king, Judah is acting in accordance with God’s word.

Throughout Chronicles, the Chronicler stresses the importance of the Davidic monarchy. He associates David’s kingdom with God’s kingdom (see 1 Chr 17:14 and note). The Chronicler mostly ignores the northern kingdom of Israel because they rejected the Davidic monarchy when they split from the southern kingdom of Judah (see note on 2 Chron 10:1–19). After completing the temple, Solomon emphasizes that God chose David to rule over Israel just as He chose Jerusalem as the dwelling place for His name (see 6:6 and note).

Covenants in the Old Testament Table

23:6 they are holy Jehoiada takes steps to ensure the temple is not defiled. Only the consecrated priests and Levites can enter it (see note on 1 Chr 15:12).

23:7 the Levites shall surround the king The instruction for the Levites to guard the king with weapons drawn may reflect an extension of their responsibility to guard Yahweh’s sanctuary (e.g. Num 1:53; 31:30). Here, they defend not only Yahweh’s temple, but also His covenant with David.

23:8 did not dismiss the working groups A reference to the divisions of the priests as organized by David (see 1 Chr 24:1–31 and note).

23:9 that had belonged to King David The use of these weapons symbolizes the return of David’s dynasty.

23:11 the statute See 2 Kgs 11:12 and note.

23:13 by his column at the entrance See 2 Kgs 11:14 and note.

And Athaliah tore her garments A sign of mourning (see note on Ezra 9:3).

Conspiracy Athaliah’s cry is rather ironic, given that she had executed the rest of the royal family (2 Chron 22:10).

23:14 in the house of Yahweh Jehoiada again shows his concern that the temple remain undefiled (see note on v. 6).

23:15 the entrance of the Horse Gate of See note on Neh 3:28.

23:16 And Jehoiada made a covenant Jehoiada celebrates the reestablishment of God’s ordained Davidic monarchy by reestablishing a covenant with the people to follow God. His reforms include the destruction of Baal’s temple and altars. He also kills the priest of Baal and establishes proper temple worship.

they should be Yahweh’s people Refers to the terms of Israel’s covenant with Yahweh.

23:17 the house of Baal The Bible does not mention a temple of Baal (the Canaanite storm god) in Jerusalem.

23:18 as was written in the law of Moses Jehoiada reestablishes proper temple worship. His actions reflect the faithfulness shown by Solomon when he sacrificed according to the law of Moses and the order of David (see note on 2 Chron 8:13; note on 8:14).

23:21 So all the people of the land rejoiced The Chronicler again emphasizes the joy associated with Joash’s enthronement. He often highlights the joy that comes with worshiping God or fulfilling His word (1 Chr 12:40; 15:16; 29:9; 2 Chr 15:15; 20:27; 29:30; 30:21–26).


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