Faithlife Study Bible
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2:1–5 Paul describes the nature of his ministry to the Corinthians. He reminds them that when he came to Corinth he preached “foolishness”—that is, the message of Christ crucified—rather than relying on persuasive speech or worldly wisdom.

2:1 when I came to you Refers to Paul’s missionary work in Corinth (Acts 18:1–18).

testimony of God The Greek phrase used here, martyrion tou theou, refers to the news about God’s redemptive work through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Paul recognized the Corinthians’ interest in rhetorical speech and philosophical wisdom, and thus used those skills to present an alternative message (the gospel) to them.

2:2 not to know anything among you Due to the influence of Greek culture, the Corinthians valued knowledge and rhetoric. Here, Paul uses hyperbole to explain why he made Christ’s actions on behalf of humanity the primary focus of his teaching instead of delivering a speech in the style of secular rhetoric and knowledge.

Paul is not suggesting that he lacks a wider knowledge base or that he has somehow given up what he knows; rather, he is emphasizing that Jesus’ saving work is more important than anything else (see note on 1 Cor 1:5).

except Jesus Christ and him crucified For Paul, Jesus’ death is central to the gospel message; He bore the sins of humanity through His death. Because the Corinthians seemed to have considered crucifixion to be foolishness, Paul emphasizes the humility of Jesus’ death on the cross (see note on 1:18). This sets up Paul to describe the humble nature of his ministry in vv. 3–5.

Paul’s point here doesn’t make the resurrection any less important; in Rom 6:5–11, he emphasizes it.

2:3 fear and with much trembling Paul draws a contrast between himself and professional public speakers who used eloquence and wisdom to gather an audience. The apostle was a skillful speaker, but his delivery may have been unimpressive by Corinthian standards (2 Cor 10:10). Paul declares his manner to be another example of the paradoxical nature of God’s strength in weakness.

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2:4 not with the persuasiveness of wisdom Paul is not interested in seeing people come to Christ because of his persuasiveness; instead, he wants to see the Spirit working among them (see note on 1 Cor 1:28).

demonstration The Greek word used here, apodeixis, conveys the certainty of the Spirit’s work among the Corinthian believers. While they value wisdom and logic, they cannot deny their experience of the Spirit’s power, which is demonstrated in their own conversion (see 1:18, 24; compare note on v. 3).

2:5 that your faith Paul explains why he uses an approach that differs from typical speakers. He wants to direct the Corinthians toward reliance on God, not human understandings or abilities.

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the power of God See note on 1:24.

2:6–16 Paul argues that the Spirit is necessary to understand God’s wisdom, since it cannot be perceived through human nature. Paul wants the Corinthians to recognize their need for true wisdom from God’s Spirit before he resumes his appeal for unity beginning in 3:1 (see 1:10).

2:6 wisdom See note on 1:24.

the mature The Greek word used here, teleios, refers to those who understand and conform to the message of Jesus Christ. Paul also may be applying the term ironically to the Corinthian believers, who considered themselves to be highly spiritual when in fact they were immature in the faith (compare 3:1–2).

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not of this age God’s wisdom—which is revealed in Christ’s death, resurrection, and the saving of humanity—is not bound by time; it is eternal.

The particular age that Paul refers to is the time between Christ’s ascension and His return—the time that people are living in now (compare 2 Cor 4:4; Gal 1:4). Paul understands Jesus’ work to have changed the very nature of creation and thus time itself. For him, time is about what will happen between now and when Christ returns (which he considers the end of time as we know it).

rulers The Greek word used here, archōn, can refer either to humans or to divine beings. This term may refer to the Jewish and Roman officials who were involved in the crucifixion of Christ. It also could refer to evil spiritual entities (compare John 12:31; 14:30). Paul emphasizes that everything that these leaders have and do is temporal, whereas Christ is eternal.

Within the context of 1 Corinthians, Paul intends for this statement to address the Corinthians’ tendency to favor people who have special speaking abilities. Paul emphasizes that an ability does not make someone what they are; instead, everything should focus on Christ—the only one worth favoring. The Corinthians would have regarded this as dichotomous and countercultural (see note 1 Cor 1:22, and see note on 1:27).

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New Testament Terms for Unseen Divine Beings

2:7 Hidden Meaning, it is not plain to the person looking for understanding of the world, themselves, and others. Rather, it can be understood only through revelation from God’s Spirit.

2:8 Lord of glory Refers to Jesus Christ. This designation echoes the ot names of Yahweh: “King of glory” (Psa 24:7–10) and “God of glory” (Psa 29:3; Acts 7:2).

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2:9 has not seen Paul uses Isaiah 64:4 to assert that people cannot understand the things of God through human faculties (compare Isa 52:15; 65:17); they must rely on the Spirit graciously given to believers by God (1 Cor 2:10).

Paul emphasizes that love for God—not love for wisdom or knowledge—yields an understanding of the things of God, including His plan of salvation through the cross. Yet Paul later explains that God grants wisdom and knowledge as spiritual gifts. What the Corinthians desire (and overemphasize at the detriment of the gospel and Christ’s lordship over their lives) will come after they’ve accepted Christ and recognized who He is and what He has done for them (see note on 12:8).

for those who love him Emphasizes that God grants insight regarding His work to those who follow Him and do His will.

2:10 to us God has revealed them God has shown the hidden wisdom of God to those who follow Christ (v. 7). Paul argues that people desiring to know more or have greater wisdom should seek to walk more closely with Christ, as God reveals His eternal work to people this way.

through the Spirit Indicates Christ’s method for revealing His work to people and granting them spiritual gifts of wisdom and knowledge.

2:11 spirit of the man Paul uses this phrase to draw a contrast with the Spirit of God. Just as people know their own minds, so the Spirit (pneuma in Greek) knows the things of God.

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Pneuma Word Study

2:12 spirit of the world God’s Spirit is not like the spirit of people or anything that can be comprehended, computed, or reasoned in this world (compare 1:20; 2:6). While God’s work is eternal, everything of this world is temporal—including current rulers and evil spiritual beings.

Spirit who is from God The Holy Spirit.

This expression also describes the Spirit’s ability to provide believers with gifts (compare chs. 12; John 6:45; 14:26; 1 John 2:27).

freely given Refers to God’s gracious gift of salvation, which believers can comprehend because of the Spirit (compare Rom 6:23). It therefore describes the content of God’s revealed wisdom and thus refers to Christ Himself (see note on 1 Cor 1:24).

2:13 by human wisdom Without God’s help through the Spirit (v. 12), people lack the ability to understand His plans or work (i.e., God’s plan of salvation; compare note on 1:24).

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Wisdom and Related Terms

in words taught by the Spirit Paul is likely referring to the gift of prophecy, which involves speaking on behalf of God (see note on 12:3; and note on 12:10; compare 14:1).

spiritual things The Spirit (pneuma) is the one who truly explains and reveals the ways of God to people—believers are just messengers and instruments of the Spirit’s message.

Pneuma Word Study

2:14 natural man Refers to a person who cannot grasp the things of God.

foolishness See note on 1:18.

2:15 discerns Paul again stresses that a true understanding of spiritual things occurs only with the aid of God’s Spirit.

Additionally, Paul might be referring to the spiritual gift of distinguishing between spirits (see note on 12:10), or the gift of wisdom (see note on 12:8). The gift of distinguishing between spirits fits contextually because of Paul’s earlier comments about rulers of this age and the spirit of this world (see note on v. 6; and note on v. 12). This spiritual gift would have been vital to the success of the Corinthian church because of their tendency to elevate people with certain spiritual gifts to positions of authority (see note on v. 12) and to favor the gift of tongues (ch. 13).

However, Paul may be referring to the spiritual gift of wisdom, which involves distinguishing between God’s preferred plan and that of the world; this seems to fit Paul’s emphasis in this verse. In addition, Paul discusses wisdom throughout 1:17–2:16, emphasizing that believers derive their understanding from God, not commonly held beliefs. Whichever spiritual gift Paul refers to here, his point is that God grants believers what they need; these gifts don’t come any other way. This gifting empowers them to follow Christ without having to worry about the judgment of others.

himself is judged by no one Those who belong to the Spirit do not need to subject themselves to human condemnation or approval; they recognize that God is their only judge (4:3).

Paul says this to combat the Corinthians’ suggestion that he should somehow justify who he is or his actions; his authority comes from Christ and the Spirit’s work in his life (see note on 1:1; compare note on 1:12).

2:16 who has advised him Paul draws from Isa 40:13 to emphasize the gift of the Spirit. Since Christ has no need of an advisor, this quotation suggests that God’s wisdom is incomprehensible—yet He has enabled believers to understand the wisdom of His salvation through the crucified Messiah, Jesus.

Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, God provides believers with the understanding they need (see note on 1 Cor 2:9; compare note on v. 10).

the mind of Christ Probably refers to God’s gift of the Holy Spirit to His people. The presence of the Spirit grants believers the ability to discern God’s will and works within them to make them more like Christ.

Like Christ, believers can understand the difference between right and wrong and are empowered to seek God’s will over and against sin and their own natural desires and inclinations (vv. 9, 12).


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