

Ps 99:1–9. God’s government is especially exercised in and for His Church, which should praise Him for His gracious dealings.

1. sitteth … cherubim—(compare 1 Sa 4:4; Ps 80:1).

tremble … be moved—inspired with fear by His judgments on the wicked.

2. great in Zion—where He dwells (Ps 9:11).

3. thy … name—perfections of justice, power, &c.

great and terrible name—producing dread (De 10:17), and to be praised by those over whom He is exalted (Ps 97:9).

it is holy—or, “He is holy” (Ps 99:5, 9; Is 6:3).

4, 5. To His wise and righteous government all nations should render honor.

king’s … judgment—His power is combined with justice.

he is holy—(compare Ps 22:3).

6. The experience of these servants of God is cited for encouragement.

among … priests, among … upon the Lord [and] He spake … pillar—may be referred to all three (compare Ex 18:19; Le 8:15; De 5:5; 1 Sa 9:13).

7. cloudy pillar—the medium of divine intercourse (Ex 33:9; Nu 12:5). Obedience was united with worship. God answered them as intercessors for the people, who, though forgiven, were yet chastened (Ex 32:10, 34).


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