
Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament surveys each book of the New Testament at several levels—Book, Division, Section, Pericope, Paragraph, and Unit—providing contextually appropriate commentary on each level. The reader of the commentary can easily ascertain the contextual importance of any larger section, or pericope, or even a particular verse of Scripture.

(4:10–14) Here Paul gives thanks for the Philippians’ concern for him. Their concern is closely related to the topic of 4:15–20—their generosity—for though 4:10 and 4:14 use verbs emphasizing concern and distress, 4:11–13 address Paul’s material situation, suggesting their concern has been demonstrated by giving. 4:10 Paul offers an indirect “thank you” to the Philippians, stating that he rejoices in the Lord over the Philippians’ concern for him. The second independent
Philippians 4:10–14