
The NIV Grace and Truth Study Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

The NIV Grace and Truth Bible has been compiled by a group of scholars and pastors who have taken great care to present the Gospel to all believers, whether they are new to the Christian faith or have been following Christ for most of their lives. The editorial team was led by the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, who has dedicated his life to the...

24:1–9 The story of the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah is recorded in the longest chapter in the book of Genesis. Finding a proper spouse for Isaac was important for the future of Abraham’s descendants, who will bless the world. That God is the one by whom the oath is sworn (v. 3) and that he is the one who promised Abraham offspring (v. 7) emphasizes that he was actively involved in bringing Isaac and Rebekah together. After noting the divine blessing upon Abraham, as well as his advanced age, the
Genesis 24:1–9