
Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament surveys each book of the New Testament at several levels—Book, Division, Section, Pericope, Paragraph, and Unit—providing contextually appropriate commentary on each level. The reader of the commentary can easily ascertain the contextual importance of any larger section, or pericope, or even a particular verse of Scripture.

(11:1–18) When the apostles and believers hear about the conversion of Cornelius’ household (10:44–48), Peter is criticized for lodging and eating with gentiles (11:1–3). In his defense, Peter recounts his vision and the Spirit’s instructions (11:4–12), the angel’s appearance to Cornelius (11:13–14), and the reception of the Holy Spirit by the gentiles as he preached (11:15). Peter reasons (and convinces his critics) that if Jesus promised us the Spirit’s baptism who had
Acts 11:1–18