
The A to Z Guide to Bible Signs and Symbols: Understanding Their Meaning and Significance is unavailable, but you can change that!

Symbolism in the Bible can be difficult to decipher, but when you recognize the significance of those signs and symbols, you gain a deeper understanding of the Bible’s consistent message of God’s presence, grace, and faithfulness. This illustrated resource explains key biblical images—everything from “Babylon” and “Jordan River” to “grapes” and “pig.” Each of the more than 100 entries includes...

We want a sign!” The demand was issued in a threatening tone that left unspoken the “or else!” that was part of the tense moment. Jesus had just cleared the temple court in Jerusalem that had been turned into a kind of farmers’ market / money exchange under the permission of the religious people in charge. They were not happy with Jesus, and decided the best way to get rid of him and bring back the merchants was to challenge his right to intervene. They demanded his credentials. “Show
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