
Expositions of the Psalms 51–72 is unavailable, but you can change that!

As the psalms are a microcosm of the Old Testament, so the Expositions of the Psalms can be seen as a microcosm of Augustinian thought. In the Book of Psalms are to be found the history of the people of Israel, the theology and spirituality of the Old Covenant, and a treasury of human experience expressed in prayer and poetry. So too does the work of expounding the psalms recapitulate and focus...

motive, if indeed it does prompt the petition. Is any one of God’s servants rescued by the Lord his God in order that other people may profit? Would it mean that, in the absence of any who might benefit, God’s servant would not be worth saving? Whichever way I turn, whether to the punishment of the enemies or to their salvation, I do not see the motive for this request, deliver me, on my enemies’ account, except for one way of understanding it which I will put before you, with the Lord’s help. He
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