
Wuest’s Word Studies in the Greek New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

These studies and translations of the Greek New Testament are simplified commentaries on the Greek text for the Bible student who is not conversant with the Greek language. The set includes commentaries on the Gospels and Epistles; graphic elucidations of selected passages, words, and phrases; and devotional studies on the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.

(John 14:17). His ministry in the believer today is not only for service as was the case in Old Testament times, but also for sanctification. But His indwelling is only potential so far as His ministry is concerned. His indwelling does not at all mean that His ministry is performed in its fullest manifestation and in an automatic way. The believer must avail himself of that ministry through the avenue of trust, just as he availed himself of the ministry of the Saviour through trusting Him. Two of
Untranslatable Riches from the Greek New Testament: p.81