
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament is a wonderful tool for anyone interested in studying the words of the New Testament. This monumental work is the result of 46 years of research by the editor, Dr. Spiros Zodhiates. The dictionary offers definitions and explanations for every word used in the Greek New Testament. Each entry is identified by a number from Strong's Greek...

The trigger of a trap on which the bait is placed, and which, when touched by the animal, springs and causes it to close causing entrapment. The word and its deriv. belong only to biblical and ecclesiastical Gr. In the Sept. it answers to the word for pagís (3803), trap. However, pagís always refers simply to a trap hidden in an ambush and not to the results; whereas skándalon involves a reference also to the conduct of the person who is thus trapped. Skándalon always denotes an enticement to