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The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament is a wonderful tool for anyone interested in studying the words of the New Testament. This monumental work is the result of 46 years of research by the editor, Dr. Spiros Zodhiates. The dictionary offers definitions and explanations for every word used in the Greek New Testament. Each entry is identified by a number from Strong's Greek...

Hope, desire of some good with expectation of obtaining it. (I) Generally (Rom. 8:24, “in hope are we saved” [a.t.], as yet only an expectation, not an actuality; 2 Cor. 10:15; Phil. 1:20). With a gen. of the thing hoped for (Acts 27:20). See Acts 16:19; 23:6, “of the hope and resurrection” indicating the hope of the resurrection; 26:6, 7. Of the person hoping (Acts 28:20; 2 Cor. 1:7; Sept.: Job 14:7; 17:15; Is. 31:2; Ezek. 37:11). With pará (3844), against or in spite of, with the acc. parʾ elpída,