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A Treasury of Great Preaching features some of the most influential preachers of the Christian Faith. It features John Calvin with 14 sermons, Jonathan Edwards with 17 sermons, Charles Finney with 106 sermons, Martin Luther with 79 sermons, Robert Murray McCheyne with 21 sermons, Dwight Lyman Moody with 16 sermons, George H. Morrison with 6 sermons, Billy Sunday with 2 sermons, Ruben Archer...

What is there in us? If we cast our eyes upon God, and then enter into a comparison, alas! shall we come near this highness which surmounteth the heavens? Nay, rather can we have any acquaintance with it? For there is nothing hit rottenness in us; nothing but sin and death. Then let the living God, the well-spring of life, the everlasting glory, and the infinite power, come; and not only approach to us and our miseries, our wretchedness, our frailty, and to this bottomless pit of all iniquity that