
24 Hour Counselor is unavailable, but you can change that!

Compiled by Richard Ross, developer of the True Love Waits campaign, the The 24 Hour Counselor features role-playing counseling sessions on 24 relevant issues that teenagers face today. Each session is scripted by an experienced licensed counselor. The 24 topics include: • I No Longer Want To Live • I Was Raped on a Date • My Friend May Commit Suicide • I Feel Terribly Lonely •...

COUNSELOR: Hi, I’m John. Thanks for picking up this tape [CD]. Teens face a lot of pressures these days. They are especially concerned about pressures to conform. Some teens find that social pressure to start smoking especially tempting, because it seems to be the in thing among groups that they like. Now, maybe you’ve felt the pressure to take up smoking. Since you have picked up this tape [CD session] you may already be smoking yourself and wondering whether