
24 Hour Counselor is unavailable, but you can change that!

Compiled by Richard Ross, developer of the True Love Waits campaign, the The 24 Hour Counselor features role-playing counseling sessions on 24 relevant issues that teenagers face today. Each session is scripted by an experienced licensed counselor. The 24 topics include: • I No Longer Want To Live • I Was Raped on a Date • My Friend May Commit Suicide • I Feel Terribly Lonely •...

COUNSELOR: Hi, I’m John. Teens today are confronted with lots of choices. You just have to look around any high school campus to see how true this is. We have a lot of freedom to choose the kind of activities we’ll accept as our own. And one of these ever present choices we teens face is whether to join the crowd in using drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and drugs in many forms are easily available to us on and off school campuses. Some of our classmates,