
24 Hour Counselor is unavailable, but you can change that!

Compiled by Richard Ross, developer of the True Love Waits campaign, the The 24 Hour Counselor features role-playing counseling sessions on 24 relevant issues that teenagers face today. Each session is scripted by an experienced licensed counselor. The 24 topics include: • I No Longer Want To Live • I Was Raped on a Date • My Friend May Commit Suicide • I Feel Terribly Lonely •...

COUNSELOR: Hi, I’m John, and I’m glad you decided to pick up this tape [CD]. Now if you have ever been sexually abused in any way you are probably thinking that you could sure use some clear talk about what to do. Now, I’ve never been sexually abused, but I know that anything about sex is personal and hard to talk about. Most of what I know about abuse I learned from a friend of mine who told me her father had been abusing her and it was really hard for