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Compiled by Richard Ross, developer of the True Love Waits campaign, the The 24 Hour Counselor features role-playing counseling sessions on 24 relevant issues that teenagers face today. Each session is scripted by an experienced licensed counselor. The 24 topics include: • I No Longer Want To Live • I Was Raped on a Date • My Friend May Commit Suicide • I Feel Terribly Lonely •...

COUNSELOR: Hi, I’m John. And, I’m Terri. John: We both have stepparents and like you we sometimes have problems relating to them. I recently read that some family experts feel that remarried and blended families will be the predominant type of family by the year 2000. Terri: Well, John, I’m not surprised to hear that fact. A lot of my friends live with a stepmother or stepfather. John: Well, how are they getting along? Terri: Well, some are doing OK.