
A Word for the Day: Key Words from New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

The purpose of this book is to share the richness of some of the Greek words used in the New Testament and help make them practical in the reader's Christian living. Simply because words matter, the words of the New Testament matter most. And in a day when words don't seem to mean much, the need for precision in Christian doctrine and practice has never been more critical. Each day of the year a...

charis Grace is our theology. In a sense, the word grace sums up all biblical theology. Of all the theological words we could discuss—redemption, reconciliation, justification, sanctification, glorification, election, and many more—none cuts to the heart of our theology like grace. Incredulously, however, few words are more misunderstood, misused, or misapplied than grace. More and more today we hear teachers say, “Yes, salvation is by grace but good works supplement it,” or, “Yes, grace
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