
Walking Before God: Saved Through Obedience is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book of sermons is in two parts and deals with two great Old Testament characters — Hezekiah and Abraham. This volume will convict and convince if those are the steps into grace you need. If in grace, saved and sanctified and "walking before God" each day, it will strengthen your faith and lead you on in the "way everlasting." About the Author Lewis Milton Williams originally served as a...

Mr. Edison, sometimes, has been called a wizard. He has given to the public many wonderful inventions, none of which is greater than the phonograph. We stand in front of it and sing or speak and in a few moments, lo and behold, out from the machine come our words just as we uttered them, with all the particulars of our articulation. He makes a record of them so that, long after the one speaking them is dead, he can still reproduce his words. Wonderful mechanism, but is it