
Spurgeon's Gold: Selections from the Works of C. H. Spurgeon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Spurgeon's Gold contains more than 2400 selections—many of them the best of proverbs—from the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the greatest of London preachers, whose sermons and books are read all over the world. This book will allow his best thoughts to be read and remembered by those who cannot hear him, and have not the leisure to search the voluminous works of the prince of preachers,...

When we meet with persons of little substance but of considerable kindling power, let us put them together, like matches and splinters of wood, for the commencement of an enterprise, and when we find others to be like heavy old logs, let us put them to use when the flame has taken good hold, for if they once get thoroughly alight they will sustain the fire long after the straw and the shavings have passed away. Have I not heard people say, “It was so kind and so thoughtful of him!” Do you not notice
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