
Spurgeon's Gold: Selections from the Works of C. H. Spurgeon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Spurgeon's Gold contains more than 2400 selections—many of them the best of proverbs—from the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the greatest of London preachers, whose sermons and books are read all over the world. This book will allow his best thoughts to be read and remembered by those who cannot hear him, and have not the leisure to search the voluminous works of the prince of preachers,...

If your prayers have but few words in them, and are mainly made up of crying and tears, yet in this they are like those of your Saviour, and so you may hope that they will be accepted. Trade with small capital means personal work and drudgery, long hours and few holidays, plenty of disappointment and small gains. It means working with might and main, and doing the thing with all your heart and mind. Home is no home where the children are not in obedience; it is rather a pain than a pleasure to be
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