
Spurgeon's Gold: Selections from the Works of C. H. Spurgeon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Spurgeon's Gold contains more than 2400 selections—many of them the best of proverbs—from the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the greatest of London preachers, whose sermons and books are read all over the world. This book will allow his best thoughts to be read and remembered by those who cannot hear him, and have not the leisure to search the voluminous works of the prince of preachers,...

Contentment should be natural to those who are born of the Spirit of God; yea, we ought to go beyond contentment, and cry, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits.” Every mind needs a fixed point; we must have infallibility somewhere; my infallible guide is Holy Scripture. An aged woman once said that if the Lord Jesus Christ really did save her, He should never hear the last of it. Join with her in that resolve. God has more regard for faith than for all else that earth can yield
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