
Spurgeon's Gold: Selections from the Works of C. H. Spurgeon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Spurgeon's Gold contains more than 2400 selections—many of them the best of proverbs—from the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the greatest of London preachers, whose sermons and books are read all over the world. This book will allow his best thoughts to be read and remembered by those who cannot hear him, and have not the leisure to search the voluminous works of the prince of preachers,...

It seemed almost a novelty in the church when it was stated, some years ago, that Mr. George Müller walked by faith in regard to temporal things. To feed children by faith in God was looked upon as a pious freak. We have come to a pretty pass, have we not, when God is not to be trusted about common things? If you have great sin, remember that there is a great Saviour. We have to magnify our Lord among men who would, if they could, again crucify Him. We cannot too often use the weapon which the Spirit
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