
Spurgeon's Gold: Selections from the Works of C. H. Spurgeon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Spurgeon's Gold contains more than 2400 selections—many of them the best of proverbs—from the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the greatest of London preachers, whose sermons and books are read all over the world. This book will allow his best thoughts to be read and remembered by those who cannot hear him, and have not the leisure to search the voluminous works of the prince of preachers,...

If your conscience gives way for the sake of your own gain or pleasure, the world will think that it is a sham, and they will not be far from the mark. We are in a special degree God’s workmanship, created to this end, that we may produce good works, and we are fitted to that end as much as a bird is fitted to fly or a worm is fitted for its purposes in the earth. Well may we be called brethren, for we are redeemed by one blood; we are partakers of the same life; we feed upon the same heavenly food;
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