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The Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary is a colorful and concise commentary covering the entire Bible. The editors know that some of what we read in the Bible is self-explanatory, but other passages are difficult and require help, much like when the apostle Philip assisted Ethiopian eunuch in Acts. So to bring clarity to all Bible passages, 45 top Bible scholars contributed to this 1,410-page...

Jesus was only “thought to be the son of Joseph.” By contrast, Mt 1:1–17, in the midst of a section from Joseph’s point of view (Mt 1–2), tracked Jesus’ legal lineage. This demonstrated His right to the throne of David through His adoptive father, Joseph. 3:23 Jesus began His ministry at about 30 years old—the age when a Levite began priestly service (Nu 4:46–47; see note at Lk 1:80). Thought to be the son of Joseph affirms the prophecy of the virgin birth of Jesus (see notes at 1:31–33 and 1:34–35).
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