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A Bible dictionary is an indispensable resource for all Bible students. In print, the Holman Bible Dictionary ,first published in 1991, is nearly 1,500 pages. It has articles that cover every Bible character and place, and even introductions to every book in the Bible. There are also extensive articles on the culture of Bible times; for example, we've all heard of the Pharisees and the Sadducees,...

The ability to act or produce an effect; the possession of authority over others. These two aspects of power are often related in Scripture. Because God has revealed His power in the act of creation, He has authority to assign dominion to whomever He wills (Jer. 10:12; 27:5). God revealed His power by miraculously delivering Israel from Egyptian slavery (Ex. 4:21; 9:16; 15:6; 32:11) and in the conquest of Canaan (Ps. 111:6). God’s acts are foundational for His claim on Israel. God’s power includes