
A Worldview Approach to Science and Scripture is unavailable, but you can change that!

There are a number of well-known areas of disagreement when it comes to discussions of the relationship between Christianity and science—most relating to the early chapters of Genesis. Observing that the traditional Christian positions, such as Young Earth and Evolutionary Creation, fail to properly account for the relevant theology, science, and history, geologist Carol Hill instead proposes a...

Creationist, global-flood stance based on the view that “all” and “earth” in Genesis 6–8 refer to the whole globe because God knew “earth” was a planet, and so in his revelation to the biblical author(s), he transmitted this intended meaning. Or we could take a local-flood stance that “all” and “earth” should be viewed from the cosmology of the Mesopotamians; that is, their whole “world” was perceived to be the Mesopotamian alluvial plain and surrounding area. Both of these views consider Genesis
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