
Works of John Owen: Volume 16 is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this volume, Owen concludes his treatises on ecclesiology by examining the sacraments and the role of the Gospel in the church. He also emphasizes the need for church discipline and doctrinal correctness. Portions of volume sixteen retain Owen’s original, untranslated Latin works.

no otherwise. This feeding is of the essence of the office of a pastor, as unto the exercise of it; so that he who doth not, or can not, or will not feed the flock is no pastor, whatever outward call or work he any have in the church. The care of preaching the gospel was committed to Peter, and in him unto all true pastors of the church, under the name of “feeding,” John 21:15–17. According to the example of the apostles, they are to free themselves from all encumbrances, that they may give themselves
Pages 75–76