
I Will Lift My Eyes unto the Hills: Learning from the Great Prayers of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

All Christian desire to pray more effectively. What better way to learn how to pray than to study the great prayers of the Old Testament. This volume, written by a recognized Old Testament scholar and author of numerous books, explores 11 such prayers—e.g., Abraham interceding for Sodom, David praising God for his kingly dynasty, Solomon asking for a listening heart, Hezekiah pleading for help...

We seem to see a general pattern forming in Scripture, one in which barren women would often serve as the very special instruments God would use to raise up key figures in the history of redemption. Surely this pattern was planned by God to make sure we mortals did not attribute the arrival of these key figures in the plan of salvation to any human machinations or abilities. Hannah, therefore, could well belong to what we might call “the fellowship of the barren ones,” in which the total inability
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