
Acts is unavailable, but you can change that!

William Willimon combines the latest findings in Lukan scholarship with he pastoral, educational, and theological concerns of the local church to provide a new interpretation of Acts. He bases his comment on the idea that the purpose of Acts was not to make Christianity acceptable to the Roman states but rather to preserve the integrity of the church against the onslaught of classical culture. ...

by a man who had been lame since birth. The path toward significant prayer is a way that goes straight through, not around, human misery. The crippled man does what totally dependent and helpless people often do—he asks for a handout. He has no other hope than to live by the crumbs that are cast from the tables of those who have been born in a more fortunate condition than he. To the man’s surprise, he receives much more than he asked for. He asked for alms; he received healing (3:6–8). The lame
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