
Acts is unavailable, but you can change that!

William Willimon combines the latest findings in Lukan scholarship with he pastoral, educational, and theological concerns of the local church to provide a new interpretation of Acts. He bases his comment on the idea that the purpose of Acts was not to make Christianity acceptable to the Roman states but rather to preserve the integrity of the church against the onslaught of classical culture. ...

life into a once cowardly disciple and created a new man who now has the gift of bold speech. The richness of Luke’s account of Pentecost yields other layers of interpretation. We, in church listening to this story, resemble the crowd in our multiple interpretations of so strange and wonderful an event. For one thing, we recognize that Luke’s story of the gift of the Spirit differs from the account in John 20:22. Luke seems to have separated into three events what had once been regarded as one event
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