
Five Questions About the Nature and Perpetuity of the Seventh-day Sabbath is unavailable, but you can change that!

Bunyan sets out to prove the placement of the Sabbath day on the first day of the week, not the seventh; and to further study the morality of the day's placement within the week, relating it to its historical precedence.

and so far gone back from the authority of God, who from such bondage has set his churches free. I do at this time but hint upon things, reserving a fuller argument upon them for a time and place more fit; where, and when, I may perhaps also show, some other wild notions of those that so stiffly cleave to this. Meantime, I entreat those who are captivated with this opinion, not to take it ill at my hand that I thus freely speak my mind. I entreat them also to peruse my book without prejudice to my
Volume 2, Page 385