
What God Has to Say about Our Bodies: How the Gospel Is Good News for Our Physical Selves is unavailable, but you can change that!

To modern secular culture, the human body is little more than a vehicle for free self-expression—our bodies belong to us, and we can do with them as we please. In this way, the prevailing culture has lost sight of the true significance of the body. Similarly, Christians also tend to underemphasize the significance of the physical body. In What God Has to Say about Our Bodies, Sam Allberry argues...

Being handcrafted means none of us has come about by accident. Our body is not random or arbitrary. I know people who were not planned by their parents—a sensitive issue indeed. They were an “accident,” a surprise, and those among them who are aware of their origins can struggle with long-term relational insecurity. But when it comes to God, no one is unplanned. Every one of us is the product of God’s deliberate choice. However many people there turn out to be in the whole of human
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