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Helps you locate specific Bible references to over 3,700 different real-life contemporary subjects like abortion, credit cards, computers, indigestion, shopping, stress, voting, and zoology. This A-to-Z listing of subjects, both traditional and offbeat, puts key Scriptures at your fingertips, without heavy theological language. Keyed to NIV, KJV, NKJV, CEV, LB, NRSV, and other versions. Includes...

Nourishment of kind words, Proverbs 10:21; 12:25 (LB); 15:23; 16:24. Hope deferred, longing fulfilled, Proverbs 13:12. Good news, cheerful looks, Proverbs 15:30. Encouragement refused, Proverbs 25:20. Mutual encouragement, Isaiah 41:7. Divine encouragement, Isaiah 41:13; Matthew 9:2; 14:27; 17:7; Acts 23:11. Gift of encouragement, Isaiah 50:4. Challenge to work for divine cause, Haggai 2:4. Surest therapy for anxious hearts, John 16:33. Paul took time to encourage, Acts 20:1–2. Encouragement in time