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With over 1,500 biographical entries, this bibliographical dictionary is a comprehensive resource, spanning the first through the twentieth centuries-from Jesus and the apostles to Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. Any reader will be fascinated and inspired by the lives of men and women-well known and obscure-who were influential in Christian history. This one volume biographical dictionary is also...

(c. 945–1004) Benedictine monk who as abbot of Fleury (France) reformed the monastery and learning there Abbo began his monastic career at Fleury, but from 985 to 987 was in charge of a monastery at Ramsey in England. The next year he was chosen abbot of Fleury despite the preference of King Hugh Capet (reigned 987–996) for another candidate. After his installation, Abbo started reforms such as those taking place at the Benedictine monastery at Cluny. An authority on philosophy, astronomy, and