
When the Enemy Strikes: The Keys to Winning Your Spiritual Battles is unavailable, but you can change that!

At some point or another every Christian will experience a satanic attack—a willful, determined assault by the Devil for the purpose of harming our spirit, soul, or body. God wants Christians to be under His control, but the Enemy will do his best to destroy everything good in our lives. So the question is not how to avoid satanic attacks, but how to overcome them. Satan is not omnipotent, but...

decrease our witness for Christ on this earth and diminish our reward in heaven. WE CANNOT DEFEAT THE DEVIL IN OUR OWN STRENGTH We cannot defeat the devil by human intellect, cleverness, or force of personality. Defeating the devil is the work of Jesus Christ alone, and that work has been accomplished on the cross. The Scripture never tells us to go out and take on the devil—to seek him out and pick a fight with him. The truth of God’s Word is that the war has already been won. Rather, God’s Word
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