
When Cultists Ask: A Popular Handbook on Cultic Misinterpretations is unavailable, but you can change that!

Proceeds through the Bible book by book showing how cults have used prominent texts for their own purposes. The authors then give the orthodox interpretation of the passage in question, and illustrate how the text has been isolated by one or more of the groups to support their own doctrine.

Cults, however, carry proselytizing activities to an extreme. Often their excessive proselytizing is an attempt to gain God’s approval. They work for grace rather than from grace as the Bible teaches (2 Cor. 5:14). Sometimes their efforts are exerted in satisfaction of their own egos. Many times their overzealous proselytizing involves impersonal evangelism or buttonholing people. Followers of the Boston Church of Christ are known for overzealous attempts to make converts on college campuses throughout