
The Lamb Is All the Glory: The Book of Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Revelation is the glorious culmination of Scripture. Everything focuses on the one who is the Lord of Glory—Jesus Christ. Richard Brooks comes afresh to the message of Revelation with a warm, pastoral exposition that feeds the hearts as well as the mind of the reader. As with all the Welwyn Commentaries, this volume is practical, clearly written, and easy to understand. Above all, it...

Dr Hoeksema remarks attractively: ‘This must needs be the spontaneous response of the bride. For the bride receives a picture of the glory of the Bridegroom and of the time when she shall always be with Him. She is conscious all the more, through the prophecy of this book, of her present misery, of her tribulation which she does and must suffer in the midst of the world. She is conscious of her present separation. She is conscious of her sinfulness. And when, through the words of the book of this
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