
The Lord Is His Name: The Message of Amos is unavailable, but you can change that!

The message of Amos is pre-eminently a message of new life. The message, however, comes in the context of a nation under judgment. Israel hid the emptiness and godliness of a corrupt society behind an apathetic and nominal outward religion, like so many today. God’s view of our society is revealed in Amos in no uncertain terms. While no refuge is offered for those who reject or disregard God’s...

life. All else is death, including the soothing ministrations of the liberal clergy at Bethel! There is no middle way. Agnostics are not going to be saved by their doubts, nor hypocrites by their show of piety. The Lord must be your Saviour and Lord or you are lost … and lost in hell for all eternity! The intensity of the call to salvation deepens as the prophet speaks: ‘Seek me and live … Seek the Lord and live … Seek good, not evil, that you may live’ (5:4, 6, 14). He is the personal God who says,
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