
The Lord Is His Name: The Message of Amos is unavailable, but you can change that!

The message of Amos is pre-eminently a message of new life. The message, however, comes in the context of a nation under judgment. Israel hid the emptiness and godliness of a corrupt society behind an apathetic and nominal outward religion, like so many today. God’s view of our society is revealed in Amos in no uncertain terms. While no refuge is offered for those who reject or disregard God’s...

children. This nation would fall and her people be exiled. 6. Moab, sandwiched between Ammon and Edom, was guilty of the desecration of the dead. The Moabites cremated the exhumed corpse of an Edomite king and ground his bones for use as mortar for building (2:1–3). They too were descendants of Lot. For their barbarism, of which this was no doubt only the tip of the iceberg, they would be destroyed. The church of the Old Testament was the nation of Israel, although
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