
Travelling Homeward: Exodus Simply Explained is unavailable, but you can change that!

Among other things, the book of Exodus tells of God’s miraculous rescue of his people from Egypt, the institution of Israel’s greatest festival, the Passover, the provision of God’s law, and the building of the tabernacle, which was the forerunner of the temple. In the New Testament there are many references made to the book of Exodus. An understanding of this exciting book will give us a better...

If we were to try to pick out one chapter of the Bible as being the single most important one, we should probably choose a well-known passage such as Matthew 5 or Psalm 23, but Stephen Dray suggests that Exodus 19 may perhaps be the most important in the whole of the Scriptures because it contains many of the most vital lessons that we all need to abide by. It also comes at the commencement of the nation of Israel.1 That nation was born in the
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