
Travelling Homeward: Exodus Simply Explained is unavailable, but you can change that!

Among other things, the book of Exodus tells of God’s miraculous rescue of his people from Egypt, the institution of Israel’s greatest festival, the Passover, the provision of God’s law, and the building of the tabernacle, which was the forerunner of the temple. In the New Testament there are many references made to the book of Exodus. An understanding of this exciting book will give us a better...

(sheep, goats and cattle), this meant that the new-born animals had to be redeemed. So when a donkey—that humble beast of burden for the Israelites—gave birth to its first male colt, the colt had to be redeemed by the sacrifice of a lamb in its place (13:13). This was so important that the Lord declared that if the owner failed to sacrifice a lamb, then the young donkey would have to be destroyed by having its neck broken. These regulations, harsh as they may seem to us, are set down so that we can
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