
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary is an entirely new commentary on the whole Bible written and edited by a wide cross section of American Protestant Christianity. Within the limits of its more than a million and one-quarter words, it attempts to treat the entire text of the New Testament on a phrase by phrase basis. In addition, summaries of the major sections of each biblical book generally appear...

9:1, 2. To the judgment of the fifth trumpet, which is called the first Woe (v. 12), John devotes more space than to all the preceding judgments combined. It is probable that, apart from the exact identification of Babylon in chapters 17 and 18, the meaning of the two judgments in this chapter presents the most difficult major problem in the Revelation. Probably the star falling from heaven, to whom was given the key of the pit of the abyss, is, as Weidner says, “an evil angel, the instrument
Revelation 9:1