
The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Volume 9: Studies in Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Studies in Theology, Warfield weighs in on a broad range of theological, philosophical, and social topics. This volume contains more than twenty articles and essays on a number of theological topics, including the task and method of systematic theology, the relationship between apologetics and theology, and the relationship between mysticism and Christianity. Warfield also includes chapters on...

is found to be; but not, if we mean thereby to discriminate it from some other assumed theology thus erected to a coördinate position with it. We may describe our method of procedure in attempting to ascertain and organize the truths that come before us for building into the system, and so speak of logical or inductive, of speculative or organic theology; or we may separate the one body of theology into its members, and, just as we speak of surface and organic geology or of physiological and direct
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