
Vine’s You Can Learn New Testament Greek! is unavailable, but you can change that!

Let the one you’ve trusted for word studies for years teach you to read the New Testament in Greek! Created by W.E. Vine, the trusted author of the world’s most-used expository dictionary, this book is a “teach yourself” course for those who have no previous knowledge of Greek. Designed especially for the layperson, you’ll start by learning the Greek alphabet and by the third lesson you’ll be...

LESSON 4 ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS CORRESPONDING TO THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS Note—The masculine and neuter endings correspond to the nouns of the second declension (see λόγος and ἔργον, Lesson 3); the feminine endings correspond to nouns of the first declension (see πύλη, Lesson 2). If the noun forms have been learned thoroughly the adjectives are easily committed to memory. FIRST FORM ἀγαθός, good Singular Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom. ἀγαθός ἀγαθή ἀγαθόν Voc. ἀγαθέ ἀγαθή ἀγαθόν